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drop the baggage


drop the baggage

Back in August 2015 at the first Circle of Wives retreat we dissected the words to Erykah Badu's "Bag Lady."

We talked about how some of us carry around jealousy, hurt feelings, anger and distrust to name a few toxic emotions that tend to linger in our marriages. You may recognize some of these characteristics in your own life.

This is the baggage referenced in the song; weighing you down, preventing you from being able to fully give yourself to your husband. You know it and he knows that something is holding you back. 

You thought marriage was the answer to eliminating those feelings, but really they were intensified. You may not be able to release the baggage on your own, but it is imperative that you release it.

Seek therapy. 

Share with your husband.


Talk with a close friend.

Do one or all of the above to begin your healing process so you can be 100% present in your marriage.

What baggage do you need to release today?


does he know that you are thankful?

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does he know that you are thankful?

This past weekend I worked on decorating my gratitude jar (courtesy of Sandria Washington) and it got me to thinking...

Wouldn't it be cool for wives to create a gratitude jar for their husbands? Writing out why they are thankful for them over a 30 day period. 

The basic concept is this...

  1. Buy or locate a jar that you can stuff with your gratitude notes.
  2. Decorate the jar to motivate and inspire you to stay consistent.
  3. Use post-its, note cards, or strips of paper to write down why you are grateful for your husband on that particular day.
  4. Do this every day for 30 days.
  5. Share with your husband after dinner, over a glass of wine.

If 30 days seems too long for you, start small and do it for 7 days. 

Whatever you decide, make the choice to DO IT!

After you have shared your gratitude jars with your husband, let us know what he thought and how this experience impacted you as a wife.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.  In the comments section, let me know when you are getting started, so that I can follow up with you.

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