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wife affirmation


Wife Affirmation Wednesday

I will ask my husband's opinion about new endeavors and welcome his insight

What does this mean to you?
Have you ever had a great business idea? Or, declared you wanted to take a couple of weeks to explore another country? You find yourself so excited, but there's one problem. You have mentioned any of this to your husband...                                                                                          

I must admit, I am certainly guilty of this. I had the bright idea to apply for a fellowship that would have me traveling through Europe over a 3 week period. Theoretically, it was a great idea. I thought my husband would be just as happy as I was about the opportunity.                    

When I finally decided to discuss with my husband, he let me have it! In my opinion, he should have. Thinking back, I realized I acted selfishly and did not allow him the opportunity to think through the process with me. Eventually, I was able to get him to see things my way. And after all of that, I was not selected as a finalist for the fellowship. 

How can you be more open to your husband's insight? You can respond in the "comments" section.



Wife Affirmation Wednesday

I am excited to consistently create new goals with my husband

What are some goals you have set with your husband for this month or this year? I would love to hear your comments.
