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my fibroid story.


my fibroid story.

Even before I was married, I had been diagnosed with having fibroid tumors the size of a 4 month fetus. The fibroids did not cause any major discomfort for me, other than being able to feel them when I pressed down on my stomach.

Only a few days before my wedding in June 2011, I sat in my doctor's office with my soon-to-be husband and listened to her tell us that she wanted me to have surgery, ASAP. While I was not a fan of the idea, my doctor assured me this was the better option considering my husband and I wanted to have children. She sent us on our way and instructed us to not weigh our options until after our wedding and honeymoon.

Fast forward to August 2011 and I am sitting in her office again, but this time, she's telling me that I am pregnant. Not at all what I was expecting, especially considering many women tell stories of how having fibroids have made it difficult for them to get pregnant or prevented pregnancy altogether.

The fibroids made me look 9 months pregnant at 5 months. They caused me a great deal of pain and discomfort during my pregnancy, so much so that my walking was slowed to a turtle's pace. There were also times, primarily when I was pregnant when having sex was difficult and uncomfortable.  Those tumors did not stop my life, but they definitely made me curse them for being inside of my body. 

Almost a year to the date, after giving birth to my daughter, I opted to have a myomectomy to get the fibroids removed. When I saw what was inside of me (pictured above), I was in shock! I had carried my baby to full term (and beyond) AND those fibroids. It's no wonder why my body went through so much during my pregnancy. Although the fibroids did not grow throughout my pregnancy, I stand firm that my daughter is so feisty because she was pushing them out of the way, claiming her space (y'all don't understand, the girl is strong).

Today, I am not fibroid free (my doctor left the smaller ones in that were hard to get to). However, I am grateful that I was blessed to have the opportunity to birth a child and carry her full term. It was not easy, but my little butterfly was worth the pain.

If you have fibroids, you are not alone and they don't have to scare you. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your options and explore the remedies that rid fibroids based on your diet and exercise.

There is a fibroid epidemic and women of color are primarily impacted. What's your fibroid story? Do you know anyone who has/had fibroids? Do/did you have fibroids?